Saturday, October 8, 2011

Black Bean Chili

Another chili recipe!
This one came from the Minneapolis Star Tribune years and years ago. I think it came to me after my work friend, Joyce, made it for lunch and it smelled and looked good. Anyway, we do like it and have used the filling (cooked down a bit) as a burrito filling. It does freeze well.

Another co-worker at the time had a family and was VERY organized about cooking, she would make huge vats of this and freeze it to eat it all winter. It's that good! I'll have to tell you about her quantities of cooking another time....that deserves its own post. The teaser is that one Monday she came to work saying that she made the chili....times 9!

I make it pretty much like the link but usually make a double batch. This time I added 1/2 jalapeno, chopped and a cube of chipotles in adobo from my freezer. I increase the carrots and bell peppers a slight amount and use one entire can (14 oz) diced tomatoes.

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