Thursday, December 22, 2011

Creamy Curry Sweet Potato Soup

I found this recipe in the paper and noted that I would like to try it.  The flavors sounded good to me, and we are huge sweet potato fans in this house.  Eleanor's still recovering from her "Oklahoma diet" which included a bit fewer fruits and vegetables that she is used to having in her diet.  Not that I have anything against Oklahoma, it's just that the strange times the swimmers needed to eat didn't usually involve restaurants with fresh produce.  That's part of why this was a good experience for her....she now knows that she'll have to figure out a way to stockpile a few more nutrients in her room. And that's how you learn that sometimes you just have to eat what's there, even if it isn't what you would normally choose. 

Creamy Curry Sweet Potato Soup was one more recipe for her vegetable recovery week.  I had a huge bunch of cilantro left from something else (more on that another time), so it was the perfect time to make this. 

This recipe is from Potawatomi Casino in Milwaukee, a place I have never been not being a casino fan.  I have never been to Oklahoma either, so I'm posting about a lot of things I don't know!  If you don't live here, you'll probably really enjoy saying "Pot-o-watt-o-me".  I know how to say that and I know how to make soup, so I have part of this going on!

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1 comment:

  1. I must be tired. It took me way too long to realize that was traveling to Oklahoma.

