Monday, December 10, 2012

Pasta with Butternut Squash and Spinach

Butternut Squash Spicy Sausage and Spinach Pasta recipe

I thought this sounded like just the yummy thing for a bit of pre-swimming carbs for the girls.  I bought the spinach but ended up using the entire pound in green smoothies....and that's not a bad thing.  Eleanor was fighting a bit of a cold, so I loaded her up on the orange juice, banana, strawberry, and spinach smoothies.  Along with what we call "Paul's concoction" (a not so secret blend of hot water, lemon, and honey), a bit of rest and some Airborne, I think she may be fighting off this bug.  Anyway, all this did mean that I needed to re-load on the baby spinach so I could make this recipe.

As you know, I am struggling with the mid week grocery runs; however, I was "lucky" enough to have a medical appointment mid week above Whole Foods.  Ah, lucky.  It was time for a female exam, something I rate somewhere between poking my eyes out and sitting at the DMV.  I guess that's the reason I have skipped a time or two (no, I didn't make the appointment and not show up....I just didn't schedule it).  I was dreading going to this appointment since I thought I may be reprimanded for:
1.  Not going for a couple years
2.  Drinking coffee
3.  Drinking wine
4. Having jiggly thighs and hairy legs

Ah....none of the above; although I did what I could by shaving my legs the morning of my appointment.   I really really like my GYN.  OK, I have to admit I like her best when I run into her in the hall or the grocery store rather than in stirrups.  But, all is seemingly well.  And, as a bonus, I got to run into Whole Foods to get the spinach! She has a good gift of making you feel OK about things, so I have to revise my ranking scale. like going to see her much better than I had made up for a few months.  She's way way way better than going to the DMV...more efficient and much more pleasant.  I'm not sure how she would feel about that ranking, so I'll have to think on one that's a bit more accurate.  Sometimes I need to meet with her in a work sort of way, and I suspect she puts me in the DMV category at that time too.  Ah, the things we must do!

But, let me get back to the spinach and the tortillas.  I ran to Whole Foods after my appointment before walking back to work and grabbed spinach and tortillas.  Really, I should have gotten a treat for myself too, but I didn't...preferring to get back to work to minimize the time away from my desk so I wouldn't need to stay so late.

The tortillas....Paul's been stepping it up a bit on meals though his tend to focus primarily on the red meat group.  However, we had leftover steak...and some sliced bell peppers in the freezer, and two avocados (I don't remember why), so...with some tortillas we were able to have a fajita night. came together quickly for a dinner wedged between a violin concert and a swim practice.

This dinner, the pasta with butternut squash and spinach was made by Paul for all of us.  Eleanor and I were at a swim meet and Luisa was at a basketball game.  We all enjoyed this meal though.  Good combination of spicy sausage and the pasta.  

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