Sunday, December 23, 2012

Crockpot Yogurt

I have experienced success with making yogurt on the stovetop; however, I have been intrigued with the idea of making it in the crockpot.  It just seems like a good idea to make it based on time instead of stirring it and checking the temperature.  That's not really much work; but I like the idea of streamlining the work time a bit more.  

This method worked great for me, and I don't have a fancy crockpot.  In fact, the crock has a chip of ceramic missing from the rim and it is basic.  We're talking low and high heat and that's it.  I placed 1/2 gallon of skim milk in the crockpot and turned it on low for 2 1/2 hours.  I did this on a Sunday morning while I headed to the Y and by the time I came back it was ready for the next stage.  Scoop out 2 cups of milk and mix with a container of plain yogurt; then pour that back into the crock and stir well.  Many instructions recommend swaddling the crockpot in towels and letting it sit; however, I just put the covered crock in the oven overnight.  It's runny and requires draining at this point but nothing that a dishtowel in a strainer can't take care of:)

This really worked!  I like having both methods; however, I think I'm going to go with this crockpot method again and again.  No thermometer needed.

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