Sunday, September 23, 2012


BLT plus avocado.  A fine improvement on an already delicious dinner idea.
One of my favorite summer meals, and one I seem to forget about nearly every year only to be reminded somehow, is BLT.  A fresh grown tomato...nothing else tastes that good.  We have had an abundance of them this year from our CSA box and the kindness of friends.  Yum!

This is typical of the type of meal we have been eating since I have started my full time work adventure.  It's simple yet delicious:)'s the organizational idea from my friend and director of our department at work.  She makes bacon and keeps it in the freezer with bread.  She takes a fresh tomato and lettuce to work and assembles her lunch.  WOW...great idea, Patti!  She said that she is ready when she has a fresh tomato!

I'm enjoying the work and the challenge of learning pieces, and I'm glad that I made this decision.  I do miss having my Wednesdays off since it was so nice to have a bit of catch up time in the middle of the week. And... I'm finding it a bit hard to judge how much produce to purchase knowing I don't have that mid-week grocery store run.  A Wednesday morning 7:30 grocery store run has helped a bit.  I'm so glad to have a meeting starting at 8:00 at the office very close to my house.  I have been dropping the girls off at school at 7:30, running into the store, running home and stowing the items in the refrigerator and zipping in to my 8:00 meeting.  That's saved the week!

A bit of menu planning with quick options has been good.
This week we'll be having Elizabeth's hearty burritos, Elizabeth's stuffed manicotti, Grandma Fiorenza's soup,  crockpot chicken tacos and pizza on the grill.  A bit of prep today should make for a good week.  Paul's back in the country, and there's only one spaghetti dinner for my swimmers this week so it means a bit more food and a bit more planning for me.  It's the lunch items that are proving to be a bit tricky, so I'll have to see what is on sale this week.  We're going through fruit quickly with an extra person in the house.

The pizza on the grill is Eleanor's birthday request.  Along with some lava cakes.  That's a bit of work, so today (Sunday) will be the food celebration portion of her day.  I don't think I can manage all that on a weeknight AND watch the Packers on Monday night football.

Enough bloggin'...time to get some groceries purchased and pull it together for the week.  I'm heading to body pump this morning (I can feel my aching muscles already since I have been on a body pump sabbatical), then a walk with Elizabeth.  I think it's going to be a good week!

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