As I was coming out of my recipe funk I stopped at Trader Joe's to grab a few staples. I love the soy chorizo, chicken, apple sausage, and salsa and needed to stock a few of those items to assist with quick meals.
I found this, bool kogi, in the refrigerated section and thought it would be a good thing to throw in the freezer. I had a head of cabbage from the CSA box, so I was thinking an Asisan-y kind of taco may be a good dinner some night. Typically I would buy the ingredients and marinate this myself, but I do like to have a couple nearly ready made items for the nights they are needed. I have thoughts of being so organized that I don't need things like this but I have found no matter how well I plan, a well stocked pantry and freezer can save the day.
I have already blogged about eating Korean barbeque in LA, so I won't repeat that story, although that is what I think about when making and eating Korean food. My sister's med school roommate, who I saw in Chicago recently makes Korean barbecue...and I had meant to ask her how she makes it. Well, since I forgot, I'm just going to go with this for now.
We're pretty light on the beef meals in this house having it very occasionally (that's a bit more than rarely but still not often), so a couple beef recipes may take me a long time to use. I like to eat a bit of everything though being a person who believes the moderation way of living.
I wasn't sure when the package was opened if this was going to be a roast type thing or not. It was in thin strips that grilled very quickly. Paul must have mentioned how good this meal was three or four times. I think that has to do with the meal....or it may be his high level of physical activity that day.....I'm not sure. I think I will grab another one of these packages when I am at Trader Joe's next time and see what we think when we have this again.
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